Russian Sentences About Weather

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Welcome to Clozemaster's collection of 20 essential weather-related sentences in Russian, perfect for those looking to enhance their Russian vocabulary. This curated list, featuring text-to-speech audio and accurate English translations, is designed to aid intermediate Russian learners in mastering everyday Russian phrases. Whether you're preparing for a trip or simply aiming to elevate your language skills, these sentences will provide practical, real-world context. Explore our comprehensive array of Russian sentences and boost your proficiency with our engaging and interactive approach. Start learning now and take your intermediate Russian to the next level!

Sentences and translations are from native speakers. Audio is high quality text-to-speech. Sentences are sampled from the Russian from English Fluency Fast Track collections on Clozemaster.

  • Буря идёт.

    The storm is coming.

  • Была тёмная ночь.

    It was a dark night.

  • Ветер дул всю ночь напролет.

    The wind blew all night long.

  • Во время засухи еда становилась дефицитной.

    Food was getting scarce during the drought.

  • Восход солнца был невероятно красивым.

    The sunrise was incredibly beautiful.

  • Дождь шёл непрерывно весь день.

    The rain was continuous all day.

  • Когда я проснулся, шёл снег.

    When I awoke, it was snowing.

  • Люди были эвакуированы из-за наводнения.

    The people were evacuated because of the flood.

  • Молния предшествует грому.

    Lightning precedes thunder.

  • Мы думаем, что пойдет дождь.

    We think it's going to rain.

  • Неделю шел дождь.

    It rained for a week.

  • Несмотря на плохую погоду, я решил выйти на улицу.

    Regardless of the bad weather, I decided to go out.

  • Сегодня погода хорошая.

    Today the weather is nice.

  • Сегодня самый жаркий день в этом году.

    Today is the hottest day this year.

  • Сила ветра была большой.

    The force of the wind was powerful.

  • Синоптик - это тот, с кем погода не всегда согласна.

    A weatherman is someone with whom the weather does not always agree.

  • Солнце вышло из-за облаков.

    The sun emerged from behind the clouds.

  • Становится холоднее, поскольку приближается зима.

    It's getting colder as winter approaches.

  • Футбольный матч был сокращён из-за дождя.

    The football game was shortened by rain.

  • Эти цветы нужно укрыть от дождя.

    These flowers should be sheltered from the rain.

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