Serbian Sentences About Health

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Elevate your Serbian vocabulary with ease and master the topic of health using Clozemaster's comprehensive collection of Serbian sentences. Our carefully curated list of 20 health-related Serbian phrases is perfect for intermediate Serbian learners looking to expand their linguistic skills. Each Serbian sentence is paired with authentic text-to-speech audio to ensure proper pronunciation, alongside accurate English translations to aid understanding. Dive into essential health vocabulary and reinforce your learning experience as you listen, speak, and practice with confidence. Get ready to communicate more effectively about health in Serbian by exploring our interactive language learning platform today!

Sentences and translations are from native speakers. Audio is high quality text-to-speech. Sentences are sampled from the Serbian from English Fluency Fast Track collections on Clozemaster.

  • Bol je jak.

    The pain is intense.

  • Činilo se kao da će se onesvestiti.

    It seemed as if she was going to faint.

  • Da li se osećaš dobro?

    Are you feeling okay?

  • Iskreno se nadam da ćete se uskoro oporaviti od bolesti.

    I sincerely hope that you will soon recover from your illness.

  • Krvari mu iz nosa.

    His nose bled.

  • Krv je tečnost odgovorna za cirkulaciju hranljivih materija.

    Blood is the fluid responsible for the circulation of nutrients.

  • Mnogi pacijenti sa rakom gube kosu zbog hemoterapije.

    Many cancer patients lose their hair because of the chemotherapy.

  • Moj otac je bio u psihijatrijskoj bolnici.

    My father was committed to a psychiatric hospital.

  • Može li ona izdržati dugo putovanje?

    Can she endure a long trip?

  • Ona ga je savetovala da se odmori.

    She advised him to take a rest.

  • Ona je kihnula u lakat, a ne u ruku.

    She sneezed into her elbow, not her hand.

  • On je alergičan na prašinu.

    He is allergic to dust.

  • Početni simptomi bolesti su groznica i bol u grlu.

    The initial symptoms of the disease are fever and sore throat.

  • Pušenje je loša navika.

    Smoking is a bad habit.

  • Rastvorite tabletu u čaši vode.

    Dissolve the tablet in a glass of water.

  • Slomio je kuk igrajući fudbal.

    He broke his hip playing football.

  • Tom je povukao mišić.

    Tom pulled a muscle.

  • Tom je primetio da je Meri šepala.

    Tom noticed that Mary was limping.

  • U ovom gradu nema bolnica, pa moramo da idemo u najbliži grad.

    There are no hospitals in this town, so we have to go to the nearest city.

  • Vaš puls je normalan.

    Your pulse is normal.

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