Swedish Sentences About Animals

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Looking to enhance your Swedish vocabulary and gain fluency in everyday conversation? Our Clozemaster page featuring 20 sentences about "Animals" in Swedish is perfect for you! Designed for intermediate Swedish learners, this resource provides carefully selected Swedish sentences accompanied by English translations and text-to-speech audio. Delve into common Swedish phrases and animals-related vocabulary to improve your language skills effectively. Whether you're brushing up on your vocabulary or expanding your knowledge of Swedish sentences, this comprehensive guide is your go-to resource. Start mastering intermediate Swedish vocabulary today and speak like a native with confidence!

Sentences and translations are from native speakers. Audio is high quality text-to-speech. Sentences are sampled from the Swedish from English Fluency Fast Track collections on Clozemaster.

  • Ankan simmade i dammen.

    The duck swam in the pond.

  • Bikupan var full av honung.

    The beehive was full of honey.

  • Det dundrande ovädret skrämde hunden.

    The thundering storm frightened the dog.

  • En av tjurarna tryckte ner stängslet.

    One of the bulls pushed the fence down.

  • Fåglarna flög söderut i sökandet efter värme.

    The birds flew south in search of warmth.

  • Fåglarna sjunger glatt.

    The birds are singing cheerfully.

  • Guldfisken är vid liv.

    The goldfish is alive.

  • Har du någonsin mjölkat en ko?

    Have you ever milked a cow?

  • Hunden biter Tom.

    The dog is biting Tom.

  • Hunden sov på mattan.

    The dog was sleeping on the mat.

  • Jag är inte en pingvin.

    I am not a penguin.

  • Jag blev stucken av en bi.

    I got stung by a bee.

  • Jag kan inte plöja den här marken med bara en tjur.

    I cannot plow this land with one bull.

  • Katten jamar.

    The cat meows.

  • Kolibrin är den minsta fågeln i världen.

    The hummingbird is the smallest bird in the world.

  • Korpen flög iväg.

    The crow flew away.

  • Maria hade ett litet lamm vars ull var vit som snö.

    Mary had a little lamb whose fleece was white as snow.

  • Tigrarna smög runt på djurparken.

    The tigers prowled around the zoo.

  • Tom och Mary räddade en föräldralös kattunge.

    Tom and Mary rescued an orphaned kitten.

  • Vi hittade en sköldpadda i trädgården.

    We found a turtle in the garden.

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