Swedish Sentences About City

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Welcome to Clozemaster's comprehensive guide to mastering Swedish vocabulary related to "City". This page features 20 carefully curated Swedish sentences, each equipped with text-to-speech audio and English translations. Whether you're targeting intermediate Swedish proficiency or simply looking to expand your Swedish phrases repertoire, these sentences will help you improve your vocabulary seamlessly. Listen to the pronunciation, understand the context, and practice effectively with authentic examples. Dive into these Swedish sentences about city life and elevate your language skills to the next level. Perfect for learners aiming to navigate urban conversation in Swedish with confidence.

Sentences and translations are from native speakers. Audio is high quality text-to-speech. Sentences are sampled from the Swedish from English Fluency Fast Track collections on Clozemaster.

  • Att hitta parkering i centrum är så frustrerande.

    Finding parking downtown is so frustrating.

  • Bänkarna som vandaliserades av vandaler hade redan ersatts.

    The benches broken by the vandals were already replaced.

  • Butiken ligger bekvämt belägen i centrum.

    The store is conveniently located downtown.

  • Byggarbetet har påbörjats i dag.

    The construction work has begun today.

  • De bosatte sig i den nya staden.

    They settled in the new city.

  • Dessa arbetare håller på att bygga en väg.

    These workmen are constructing a road.

  • Det är ett historiskt monument.

    That's a historic monument.

  • Det är mycket trafik idag.

    There's a lot of traffic today.

  • Det finns många parker i vår stad.

    There are many parks in our town.

  • Han kände sig ensam i staden.

    He felt lonesome in the city.

  • Jag bor i en liten stad.

    I live in a small city.

  • Jag bor i en stor stad.

    I live in a big city.

  • Jag bor på andra sidan gatan.

    I live across the street.

  • Min dröm är att besöka amerikanska städer.

    My dream is to visit American cities.

  • Min far har mycket inflytande i stadshuset.

    My father has a lot of clout at city hall.

  • New York är mycket mångkulturellt.

    New York is very diverse culturally.

  • Skolor byggdes.

    Schools were built.

  • Teatern i mitt område håller på att bli ombyggd.

    The theater in my neighborhood is being rebuilt.

  • Väggen är täckt med graffiti.

    The wall is covered with graffiti.

  • Vi ska gå till parken.

    We are going to the park.

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