Swedish Sentences About Internet

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Welcome to Clozemaster’s comprehensive guide to expanding your Swedish vocabulary with 20 carefully selected Swedish sentences about "Internet." Perfect for intermediate Swedish learners, this page offers not just sentences but also their English translations to aid understanding. Each sentence comes with text-to-speech audio to help you master pronunciation and intonation. Dive into these practical phrases and build your language skills with real-world Swedish usage. Whether you’re brushing up or diving deep, these Swedish sentences are designed to enrich your learning experience and boost your confidence in communicating in Swedish. Start improving your Swedish phrases today!

Sentences and translations are from native speakers. Audio is high quality text-to-speech. Sentences are sampled from the Swedish from English Fluency Fast Track collections on Clozemaster.

  • Du är inte inloggad.

    You are not logged in.

  • Engelskspråkiga Wikipedia kommer att vara otillgänglig idag.

    English Wikipedia will be unavailable today.

  • Folk pratar mycket om sociala nätverk nuförtiden.

    People talk a lot about social networks these days.

  • Hon kontrollerar sina e-postmeddelanden tre gånger om dagen.

    She checks her emails thrice a day.

  • Hon säljer handgjorda hantverk på nätet.

    She sells handmade crafts online.

  • Hon sökte snabbt på internet.

    She quickly searched on the internet.

  • Hur kan jag lägga till taggar i en mening?

    How can I add tags to a sentence?

  • Jag fortsätter att få oönskade e-postmeddelanden.

    I keep receiving unwanted emails.

  • Jag gillar din webbplats.

    I like your website.

  • Jag kan inte ansluta min telefon till internet.

    I cannot connect my phone to the Internet.

  • Jag la till den här webbplatsen i mina favoriter.

    I added this website to my favorites.

  • Jag önskar att jag kunde lista ut hur man inaktiverar kommentarer på min blogg.

    I wish I could figure out how to disable comments on my blog.

  • Jag spenderar några timmar om dagen med att underhålla min webbplats.

    I spend a few hours a day maintaining my website.

  • Lösenordet du har angett är ogiltigt.

    The password you have entered is invalid.

  • Se min profil för mer information.

    View my profile for more information.

  • Systemets säkerhet blev besegrad.

    The system's security was compromised.

  • Vår webbplats lockar många användare.

    Our website attracts a lot of users.

  • Vi diskuterade ämnet i forumet.

    We discussed the topic in the forum.

  • Vi har skickat ett e-postmeddelande till dig med en aktiveringslänk.

    We sent you an email with an activation link.

  • Vissa kommentarer är skrämmande.

    Some comments are scary.

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