Swedish Sentences About Nature

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Are you looking to enhance your Swedish vocabulary with engaging and practical examples? Look no further! Our Clozemaster page features 20 carefully selected sentences about "Nature" in Swedish. Each sentence includes text-to-speech audio and English translations, making it an excellent resource for practicing Swedish sentences and phrases. Ideal for intermediate Swedish learners, these sentences will help you build a rich vocabulary related to the natural world. Whether you're preparing for a trip to Sweden or aiming to improve your language skills, our nature-themed sentences are designed to boost your proficiency effectively and enjoyably.

Sentences and translations are from native speakers. Audio is high quality text-to-speech. Sentences are sampled from the Swedish from English Fluency Fast Track collections on Clozemaster.

  • Bävrar kan fälla träd med sina tänder.

    Beavers can cut down trees with their teeth.

  • Den där busken behöver vatten.

    That bush needs water.

  • Du kan gå på promenader längs kullarna.

    You can go for walks on the hills.

  • En flock vargar attackerade resenären.

    A pack of wolves attacked the traveler.

  • En kraftig vind uppstod.

    A strong wind arose.

  • En ny dag börjar med soluppgång.

    A new day starts with sunrise.

  • Ett bi surrar.

    A bee buzzes.

  • Ett fallet träd blockerade stigen.

    A fallen tree blocked the path.

  • Ett moln svävade över himlen.

    A cloud floated across the sky.

  • Fåren betar på gräset i fältet.

    The sheep graze the grass in the field.

  • Han tog ett foto av det vackra landskapet.

    He took a picture of the beautiful landscape.

  • Jag känner för att dansa på fälten.

    I feel like dancing in the fields.

  • Månens gravitationskraft påverkar tidvattnet.

    The moon's gravitational pull affects tides.

  • Ravinen var vidsträckt och vacker.

    The canyon was vast and beautiful.

  • Sköldpaddan är känd för att röra sig långsamt.

    The tortoise is known for moving slowly.

  • Solen steg upp över horisonten.

    The sun rose over the horizon.

  • Solnedgången är snart.

    The sunset is soon.

  • Utforskaren vågade sig ut i vildmarken.

    The explorer ventured into the wilderness.

  • Vi såg vad som såg ut som en oas i öknen.

    We saw what looked like an oasis in the desert.

  • Vi tycker om att åka till stranden.

    We enjoy going to the beach.

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