Swedish Sentences About Pets

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Boost your Swedish vocabulary and comprehension with our curated list of 20 sentences about "Pets" in Swedish on Clozemaster. Designed for intermediate Swedish learners, this page offers carefully selected Swedish sentences, complete with English translations and text-to-speech audio. Each sentence is crafted to help you master common Swedish phrases related to pets, ensuring you gain practical language skills. Whether you're looking to improve your Swedish for everyday conversations or expand your vocabulary, these Swedish sentences are a perfect resource. Visit Clozemaster now to enhance your intermediate Swedish knowledge with real-world examples!

Sentences and translations are from native speakers. Audio is high quality text-to-speech. Sentences are sampled from the Swedish from English Fluency Fast Track collections on Clozemaster.

  • Barnet klappar en katt.

    The child is stroking a cat.

  • Den där valpen är så söt.

    That puppy is so cute.

  • Den här broschyren handlar om husdjur.

    This pamphlet is about pets.

  • Har ni pytonormar?

    Do you have python snakes?

  • Hon älskar sin nya valp.

    She adores her new puppy.

  • Hon har en hund.

    She has a dog.

  • Hon har tre sköldpaddor som husdjur.

    She has three pet turtles.

  • Hon sörjde förlusten av sitt husdjur.

    She mourned the loss of her pet.

  • Hunden följde sin husse och viftade på svansen.

    The dog followed its master, wagging its tail.

  • Hunden slickar sin ägares ansikte.

    The dog licks his owner's face.

  • Katten försvann bakom soffan.

    The cat disappeared behind the sofa.

  • Katten trasslade in alla trådarna.

    The cat tangled up all the threads.

  • Kontrollera ditt husdjur för fästingar regelbundet.

    Check your pet for ticks regularly.

  • Min fisk dog för två veckor sedan.

    My fish died two weeks ago.

  • Min katt gillar att sova mycket.

    My cat likes to sleep a lot.

  • Min katt skäller.

    My cat barks.

  • Min vakthund är vaksam på minsta ljud och rörelse.

    My watchdog is alert to the slightest sound and movement.

  • Oljudet skrämmer katten.

    The noise freaks out the cat.

  • Papegojan är död.

    The parrot is dead.

  • Varför attackerar min katt min badrock?

    Why is my cat attacking my bathrobe?

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