Swedish Sentences About Position / Location

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Welcome to Clozemaster's comprehensive guide on mastering Swedish vocabulary! This page features 20 carefully curated Swedish sentences focused on "Position / Location" — an essential theme for intermediate Swedish learners. Each sentence is accompanied by text-to-speech audio and precise English translations, offering you an immersive language experience. Strengthen your grasp on Swedish phrases and vocabulary with real-life examples designed to enhance your linguistic skills. Dive in and practice these targeted Swedish sentences to elevate your communication proficiency and boost your confidence. Perfect for anyone aiming to progress in their intermediate Swedish journey.

Sentences and translations are from native speakers. Audio is high quality text-to-speech. Sentences are sampled from the Swedish from English Fluency Fast Track collections on Clozemaster.

  • Är det varmare inomhus?

    Is it any warmer inside?

  • Badrummet är på nedervåningen.

    The bathroom is downstairs.

  • Biblioteket ligger i den centrala delen av staden.

    The library is in the central part of the city.

  • Cykeln lutar åt höger innan den svänger höger.

    The bike leans to the right before turning right.

  • De bor där.

    They live there.

  • Det låg en bandspelare på bordet.

    There was a tape recorder on the table.

  • Det största sovrummet är vänd mot söder.

    The largest bedroom faces south.

  • Han stod upp.

    He was standing.

  • Hon ställer boken på hyllan.

    She puts the book on the shelf.

  • Jag bor på femte våningen.

    I live on the fifth floor.

  • Jag förvarar det på vinden.

    I keep it in the attic.

  • Jag såg dem i korridoren.

    I saw them in the hallway.

  • Jag står i mitten av skolgården.

    I am standing in the middle of the schoolyard.

  • Katten försvann bakom soffan.

    The cat disappeared behind the sofa.

  • Katten satt på bordet.

    The cat sat on the table.

  • Prästen bor nära kyrkan.

    The priest lives near the church.

  • Ställ dig i kön.

    Get in line.

  • Tom är i källaren.

    Tom is in the basement.

  • Tom gick mot hissarna.

    Tom walked toward the elevators.

  • Var är brevlådan?

    Where is the mailbox?

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