Turkish Sentences About At the Doctor

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Welcome to Clozemaster's "At the Doctor" page, your ultimate resource for enhancing Turkish vocabulary with intermediate Turkish sentences. Here, you will find 20 essential Turkish phrases related to medical situations, each accompanied by text-to-speech audio and accurate English translations. Our curated list is designed to boost your language skills effectively, making it easier to navigate healthcare conversations in Turkey. Whether you’re preparing for a trip or improving fluency, these Turkish sentences will enrich your vocabulary and understanding. Dive in to master the Turkish phrases you need at the doctor's office!

Sentences and translations are from native speakers. Audio is high quality text-to-speech. Sentences are sampled from the Turkish from English Fluency Fast Track collections on Clozemaster.

  • Akciğerlerini etkileyen bir hastalıktan muzdaripti.

    He suffered from a disease that affected his lungs.

  • Ateş, gribin yaygın bir belirtisidir.

    Fever is a common symptom of flu.

  • Bana zaatüre teşhisi kondu.

    I was diagnosed with pneumonia.

  • Beni bir arı soktu.

    I got a bee sting.

  • Benim dişim ağrıyor.

    My tooth hurts.

  • Bir dişçi randevusu almam gerekiyor.

    I need to make an appointment with the dentist.

  • Bu belirtiler ne anlama geliyor?

    What are the symptoms?

  • Bu öksürük şurubunu içmelisin.

    You must take this cough syrup.

  • Doktor adamın hastalığını tedavi etti.

    The doctor cured his illness.

  • Doktor ameliyatı bitirdi.

    The doctor performed the operation.

  • Doktor hemen geldi.

    The doctor came immediately.

  • Doktorumun mükemmel bir başucu tavrı var.

    My doctor has an excellent bedside manner.

  • Doktor yarın sizi taburcu edecek.

    The doctor will discharge you tomorrow.

  • Meğer doktor bir zevzekmiş.

    The doctor turned out to be a quack.

  • Muayene sehpasına uzan.

    Lie down on the examination table.

  • Tıbbi sertifikan varsa lütfen getir.

    If you have a medical certificate, bring it.

  • Tom bir hastayı tedavi ediyor.

    Tom is treating a patient.

  • Tom'un kolera aşısı olması gerekiyordu.

    Tom had to get a cholera shot.

  • Tümör başarıyla alındı.

    The tumor was successfully removed.

  • Yara izi kalacak mı?

    Will I have a scar?

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