Turkish Sentences About Numbers

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Enhance your Turkish vocabulary with Clozemaster's expertly curated list of 20 sentences centered around "Numbers." Each sentence is accompanied by text-to-speech audio and English translations, designed specifically to help you grasp Turkish phrases effectively. Perfect for intermediate Turkish learners, this collection offers a practical approach to improve your language skills through context and repetition. Whether you're looking to solidify your foundational knowledge or advance your fluency, these Turkish sentences will provide meaningful practice. Boost your confidence in using numbers in everyday Turkish and accelerate your learning journey with our interactive content. Start mastering Turkish vocabulary today!

Sentences and translations are from native speakers. Audio is high quality text-to-speech. Sentences are sampled from the Turkish from English Fluency Fast Track collections on Clozemaster.

  • Artıkyılda kaç gün vardır?

    How many days are there in a leap year?

  • Az sayıda oy farkıyla kazandı.

    He won by a small number of votes.

  • Ben beş adam gördüm.

    I saw five men.

  • Benim altı elmam var.

    I have six apples.

  • Beş tane köfte istiyorum.

    I want five meatballs.

  • Bu evde üç banyo var.

    This house has three bathrooms.

  • Bu sayının kaç hanesi var?

    How many digits does that number have?

  • Dünya üzerinde ne kadar insan yaşıyor?

    How many human beings live on Earth?

  • Gemide kırk sekiz denizci var.

    Forty-eight sailors are on board.

  • Gemide üç bin varil şarap var.

    There are three thousand barrels of wine on the ship.

  • İki dilim kek vardı.

    There were two pieces of cake.

  • Mutfağa iki tane saat asıyorum.

    I hang two clocks in the kitchen.

  • Odada iki pencere var.

    The room has two windows.

  • Oniki kalemi var.

    He has twelve pencils.

  • On tane tabak isterim.

    I want ten plates.

  • Onun yirmi çocuğu var.

    He has twenty children.

  • Sepette düzinelerce elma var.

    We have dozens of apples in the basket.

  • Toplam onbir kişiyiz.

    We are eleven in all.

  • Üç benim en sevdiğim sayı.

    Three is my favorite number.

  • Üç uçağımız var.

    We have three planes.

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