Turkish Sentences About Safety

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Enhance your Turkish vocabulary with our curated list of 20 essential sentences about "Safety" on Clozemaster. Designed for intermediate Turkish learners, these sentences come with text-to-speech audio and English translations, making it easier to grasp pronunciation and meaning. Whether you’re focusing on Turkish sentences or practical Turkish phrases, our resources are tailored to enhance your language proficiency. Ideal for anyone looking to expand their conversational skills in real-life situations, this page is your go-to guide for mastering safety-related vocabulary in Turkish. Start practicing today and watch your Turkish vocabulary grow!

Sentences and translations are from native speakers. Audio is high quality text-to-speech. Sentences are sampled from the Turkish from English Fluency Fast Track collections on Clozemaster.

  • Bardağı düşürme.

    Don't drop the glass.

  • Binaya başka kimse giremez, çünkü her an çökebilir.

    Nobody else can enter the building, as it could collapse at any moment.

  • Bu aygıtı suyun yakınında kullanmayın.

    Do not use this apparatus near water.

  • Burası güvenli mi?

    Is this place secure?

  • Bütün polis arabaları kurşun geçirmez camla donatılmıştı.

    All the police cars were equipped with bulletproof glass.

  • Etiket, kutunun içindekilerin kırılgan olduğunu uyarıyor.

    The label warns that the contents of the box are fragile.

  • Eve giren davetsiz misafiri yakaladılar.

    They caught an intruder in the house.

  • Fırtına sırasında içeride kaldık.

    We stayed inside during the storms.

  • Güçlü bir şifre koymayı unutma.

    Remember to set a strong password.

  • İki tarafa da bakmadan yoldan karşıya geçmeyin.

    Do not cross the road without looking both ways.

  • Karanlık sokaklarda arkanı kolla.

    Watch your step in dark alleys.

  • Kilidi açık bıraktım.

    I left it unlocked.

  • Öngörülmüş bir tehlike, kaçınılmış bir tehlikedir.

    A danger foreseen is a danger avoided.

  • Önlem al.

    Take precautions.

  • Saray çok sıkı koruma altındaydı.

    The palace was heavily guarded.

  • Silahlarınızı kaldırın.

    Put your guns away.

  • Sürücüler emniyet kemerini takmalı.

    Drivers should wear seat belts.

  • Tabancalarını bir çantada saklıyor.

    He stores his pistols in a case.

  • Tehlike asgari.

    The danger is minimal.

  • Tom emniyet kemerini bağladı.

    Tom fastened his seatbelt.

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