Turkish Sentences About Travel

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Discover an exciting way to boost your Turkish vocabulary with Clozemaster's curated collection of 20 essential travel sentences. Perfect for intermediate Turkish learners, this page features sentences with text-to-speech audio and English translations to enhance your learning experience. Dive into practical Turkish sentences and phrases commonly used in travel scenarios, from booking hotels to navigating transportation. Whether you're planning a trip to Turkey or simply aiming to elevate your language skills, these sentences will provide valuable practice. Expand your Turkish vocabulary effortlessly and confidently with Clozemaster’s engaging and effective learning tools. Start mastering intermediate Turkish today!

Sentences and translations are from native speakers. Audio is high quality text-to-speech. Sentences are sampled from the Turkish from English Fluency Fast Track collections on Clozemaster.

  • Astronotlar bir roketle aya gittiler.

    The astronauts went up to the moon in a rocket.

  • Ben aya gitmek istiyorum.

    I want to go to the moon.

  • Bildiğim kadarıyla o hiç yurtdışında bulunmadı.

    As far as I know, he has never been overseas.

  • Bir gün Paris'i ziyaret etmek istiyorum.

    I wish to visit Paris someday.

  • Birkaç ayını Avrupa'da dolaşarak geçirdi.

    He spent a few months wandering around Europe.

  • Bu kasabaya gezi düzenliyor musunuz?

    Do you have any sightseeing tours of this town?

  • Farklı şehirleri keşfetmeyi seviyorum.

    I love exploring different cities.

  • Fırtına yüzünden gemi limandan ayrılamadı.

    Owing to the storm, the ship could not leave port.

  • Hadi birlikte seyahate çıkalım.

    Let's embark on a voyage together.

  • Hava müsaade ederse gemi yelken açmaya hazır olacak.

    The ship will be ready to sail if the weather permits.

  • Issız bir adada mahsur kalmışlar.

    They were marooned on a desert island.

  • İstasyondan iki kilometre uzakta bir hostel var.

    There is a hostel two kilometers from the station.

  • Orada üç gece kalacağız.

    We will stay there for three nights.

  • Sen gelmeden önce Londra'ya doğru yola çıktı.

    Prior to your arrival, he left for London.

  • Sonraki kalkış ne zaman?

    When is the next departure?

  • Tatil planlarım heyecan verici.

    My plans for vacation are exciting.

  • Tom ile Avustralya'da tanıştım.

    I met Tom in Australia.

  • Trafik bir heyelan yüzünden tıkandı.

    Traffic was blocked by a landslide.

  • Ülkenin dört bir yanına tren yolculuğu yapmayı seviyorum.

    I love riding trains across the country.

  • Yolda bir çalışma vardı.

    There was a detour on the road.

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