Ukrainian Sentences About Body

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Enhance your Ukrainian vocabulary with Clozemaster's comprehensive collection of 20 Ukrainian sentences focusing on the human body. Our interactive platform, tailored for intermediate Ukrainian learners, offers text-to-speech audio and accurate English translations, providing a valuable resource for mastering essential Ukrainian phrases. Dive into the language and deepen your understanding of body-related terms. With our engaging practice, you'll not only memorize words but also grasp their pronunciation and usage in context. Start expanding your Ukrainian linguistic skills today and step closer to fluency with Clozemaster's immersive learning experience.

Sentences and translations are from native speakers. Audio is high quality text-to-speech. Sentences are sampled from the Ukrainian from English Fluency Fast Track collections on Clozemaster.

  • Він вдарив коліно об стіл.

    He bashed his knee on the table.

  • Він стиснув мою руку.

    He gripped my hand.

  • Він стукнув мені по плечу.

    He tapped me on the shoulder.

  • Вона глибоко дихала.

    She breathed deeply.

  • Вона несе рюкзак на спині.

    She is carrying a backpack on her back.

  • Вона потерла очі.

    She rubbed her eyes.

  • Вся наша кров проходить через нирки близько шістдесяти разів на день.

    All of our blood goes through our kidneys about sixty times a day.

  • Його здоров'я помітно слабшало.

    His health was visibly weakening.

  • Його коліно боляче набрякло.

    His knee was painfully swollen.

  • Людська вагітність триває дев'ять місяців.

    Human pregnancy lasts nine months.

  • Минулого року у мене був викидень.

    I had a miscarriage last year.

  • Моя голова вибухає.

    My head is exploding.

  • Сльози текли по моїх щоках.

    Tears ran down my cheeks.

  • Том голить свою бороду.

    Tom is shaving his beard.

  • Том стиснув зуби.

    Tom clenched his teeth.

  • У мене пульсуючий біль тут.

    I have a throbbing pain here.

  • Хлопчик був дуже блідий і усі його кінцівки тремтіли від холоду.

    The boy was very pale and trembled in every limb with cold.

  • Шлунок є одним з внутрішніх органів.

    The stomach is one of the internal organs.

  • Я багато чхаю.

    I sneeze a lot.

  • Я набрала вагу.

    I have gained weight.

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