Ukrainian Sentences About School

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Welcome to our dedicated page designed to enhance your Ukrainian vocabulary with practical Ukrainian sentences related to school. Here, we offer 20 carefully selected Ukrainian phrases complete with text-to-speech audio and accurate English translations, perfect for intermediate Ukrainian learners. Strengthen your language skills and gain confidence by mastering these essential Ukrainian expressions, which are key components of everyday school scenarios. Whether you are a student, educator, or a language enthusiast, our intuitive platform provides a valuable resource for anyone looking to enrich their comprehension and communication in Ukrainian. Dive into these educational Ukrainian sentences and begin your journey to fluency today!

Sentences and translations are from native speakers. Audio is high quality text-to-speech. Sentences are sampled from the Ukrainian from English Fluency Fast Track collections on Clozemaster.

  • Він був виключений зі школи.

    He was expelled from school.

  • Він готувався до іспиту.

    He was studying for the exam.

  • Вона популярна в школі.

    She is popular at school.

  • Директор має владу в школі.

    The principal holds the authority in the school.

  • Коли я навчався в школі, я дуже ненавидів писати твори.

    When I was in school, I really hated writing essays.

  • Ми долали милі до школи.

    We walked a mile to school.

  • Ми повинні прибрати наш клас.

    We must clean our classroom.

  • Мої оцінки вище середнього.

    My grades are above average.

  • Одягнись і йди до школи.

    Get dressed and go to school.

  • Студенти мали вороже ставлення до вчителя.

    The students had hostile attitudes toward the teacher.

  • Ти ходиш до школи.

    You go to school.

  • Усі наші діти ходять до місцевої школи.

    Our children all go to the local school.

  • У студентів зараз перерва.

    The students are having a recess now.

  • Учитель наближається до класу повільно.

    The teacher approaches the classroom slowly.

  • Ця школа не має опалення.

    This school has no heating.

  • Шкільний сторож прибирає зал увечері.

    The school custodian cleans the gym in the evening.

  • Шкільні обіди жахливі!

    School lunches are disgusting!

  • Школа починається о 9 ранку.

    School begins at 9 AM.

  • Я вловив те, що пояснював вчитель.

    I caught on to what the teacher was explaining.

  • Я наполегливо працював за оцінку в школі.

    I worked hard for a good grade in school.

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