French Sentences About History

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Welcome to our resource designed to enhance your intermediate French vocabulary through engaging French sentences centered on the theme of "History". Each carefully selected sentence comes with clear text-to-speech audio and precise English translations to aid your comprehension. Immerse yourself in the past while mastering vital French phrases that will elevate your language skills. Perfect for learners seeking contextual learning, our list of 20 sentences will not only expand your historical knowledge but will also refine your grasp of essential intermediate French expressions. Discover the joy of learning French with our practical, audio-enhanced approach to history.

Sentences and translations are from native speakers. Audio is high quality text-to-speech. Sentences are sampled from the French from English Fluency Fast Track collections on Clozemaster.

  • Certains disent qu'il n'a jamais existé.

    Some say he never existed.

  • Ce site archéologique a été endommagé pendant la guerre.

    This archaeological site was damaged during the war.

  • C'est un bâtiment historique.

    This is a historical building.

  • Il y a eu de nombreuses avancées technologiques au début du XXIe siècle.

    There were many technological advances at the beginning of the twenty-first century.

  • Je suis un citoyen romain.

    I am a Roman citizen.

  • La bataille était féroce et incroyablement sanglante.

    The battle was fierce and unbelievably bloody.

  • La Constitution a été proclamée pendant la dictature.

    The Constitution was proclaimed during the dictatorship.

  • La rivière coulait autrefois au centre de la ville.

    The river once flowed through the center of the city.

  • La ville a été assiégée pendant des mois.

    The city was under siege for months.

  • Le dodo est une espèce déjà éteinte.

    The dodo is an already extinct species.

  • Le général a donné l'ordre de repli.

    The general gave the order to retreat.

  • Le pain est l'aliment le plus simple et le plus ancien du monde.

    Bread is the simplest and oldest food in the world.

  • Les anciens aimaient raconter des histoires de bravoure.

    Ancient people liked to tell stories of bravery.

  • Les Arabes pré-islamiques étaient des nomades.

    The pre-Islamic Arabs were nomads.

  • Les aristocrates vivaient à l'est et à l'ouest du palais impérial.

    Aristocrats lived to the east and west of the imperial palace.

  • Les femmes sont celles qui ont le plus souffert pendant l'Inquisition.

    Women were the ones who suffered the most during the Inquisition.

  • Le vice-président Roosevelt s'est précipité à Buffalo.

    Vice President Roosevelt hurried to Buffalo.

  • L'Islande appartenait autrefois au Danemark.

    Iceland used to belong to Denmark.

  • On pourrait dire que cette traduction est historiquement exacte.

    You could say this translation is historically accurate.

  • Qui a gouverné ce pays ?

    Who ruled this country?

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