French Sentences About Math

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Welcome to our dynamic learning platform, perfect for those looking to enhance their French vocabulary through immersion in intermediate French sentences about Math. With our curated selection of French phrases, users can master mathematical terminology while engaging with text-to-speech audio for perfect pronunciation. Each French sentence is accompanied by its English translation, making it easier for learners to grasp complex concepts. Dive into our resourceful collection designed to elevate your understanding of Math in the French language, and take a significant step towards fluency with practical, context-rich vocabulary.

Sentences and translations are from native speakers. Audio is high quality text-to-speech. Sentences are sampled from the French from English Fluency Fast Track collections on Clozemaster.

  • Additionnez cette colonne de chiffres.

    Add up this column of figures.

  • De combien de chiffres ce nombre est-il composé ?

    How many digits does that number have?

  • Deux fois sept font quatorze.

    Two times seven is fourteen.

  • Elle a neuf pommes dans son panier.

    She has nine apples in her basket.

  • Elle a résolu l'équation complexe.

    She solved the complex equation.

  • Elle est vraiment douée en mathématiques.

    She's really good at math.

  • Il a compris l'équation complexe.

    He understood the complex equation.

  • Il n'y a pas de prix Nobel en mathématiques.

    There is no Nobel Prize in mathematics.

  • Il sait comment calculer son salaire.

    He knows how to calculate his salary.

  • La musique est l'âme de la géométrie.

    Music is the soul of geometry.

  • L'anglais est plus difficile pour moi que les mathématiques.

    English is tougher for me than math.

  • La tarte a été coupée en deux.

    The pie was cut into halves.

  • La valeur par défaut est zéro.

    The default value is zero.

  • La variable dans cette équation est inconnue.

    The variable in this equation is unknown.

  • Les mathématiques sont mon cours préféré.

    Mathematics is my favorite class.

  • Pour calculer le volume, multipliez la longueur par la largeur par la profondeur.

    To calculate the volume, multiply the length by the width by the depth.

  • Quatre multiplié par deux fait huit.

    Four multiplied by two is eight.

  • Quelle est la valeur d'un bocal plein de centimes ?

    What is the worth of a jar full of pennies?

  • Soustrais deux de dix et tu obtiens huit.

    Subtract two from ten and you have eight.

  • Trouvez la dimension de ce sous-espace.

    Find the dimension of this subspace.

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