French Sentences About Technology

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Welcome to our dynamic resource for strengthening your French vocabulary! Dive into our curated collection of 22 insightful French sentences centered on the engaging theme of Technology. Each expertly crafted phrase comes with crystal-clear text-to-speech audio to fine-tune your pronunciation, accompanied by accurate English translations to enhance your understanding. Whether you're at an intermediate level or seeking to polish your French phrases, our interactive platform is the ideal tool for language learners eager to master essential French vocabulary in the context of modern technology. Engage with our educational content today and take your French language skills to the next level!

Sentences and translations are from native speakers. Audio is high quality text-to-speech. Sentences are sampled from the French from English Fluency Fast Track collections on Clozemaster.

  • Ce distributeur automatique est hors service.

    This vending machine is out of order.

  • Envoyez l'e-mail.

    Send the email.

  • Il a fabriqué un robot.

    He made a robot.

  • Il a quatre téléphones mobiles.

    He has four mobile phones.

  • Il devrait y avoir une loi contre le piratage informatique.

    There should be a law against computer hacking.

  • Il est autorisé à accéder aux fichiers.

    He is authorized to access files.

  • Ils ont développé des ordinateurs sophistiqués.

    They have developed sophisticated computers.

  • Je suis reconnaissant de la technologie.

    I am thankful for technology.

  • La base de données a renvoyé une valeur nulle pour ce champ.

    The database returned a null value for that field.

  • La nouvelle configuration a amélioré le système.

    The new configuration improved the system.

  • La transmission d'informations a été interrompue.

    The transmission of information was disrupted.

  • Les robots peuvent résister aux conditions dangereuses.

    Robots can withstand dangerous conditions.

  • Le téléphone est une commodité.

    The telephone is a convenience.

  • Ma batterie est faible !

    My battery is low!

  • Mon ami conçoit une interface utilisateur pour le nouveau système d'exploitation.

    My friend is designing a user interface for the new operating system.

  • Nous testons la version bêta.

    We are testing the beta version.

  • Ont-ils connecté l'antenne radio ?

    Have they connected the radio antenna?

  • Peux-tu télécharger ce programme ?

    Can you download this program?

  • Veuillez connecter une manette.

    Please connect a controller.

  • Votre ordinateur va redémarrer plusieurs fois pendant l'installation.

    Your computer will restart several times during installation.

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