French Sentences About Time

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Embark on a linguistic journey to master intermediate French with Clozemaster! Our thoughtfully curated page features 20 intriguing French sentences centered around the fascinating concept of "Time," complete with text-to-speech audio and accurate English translations. This resource is perfect for those looking to enrich their French vocabulary, comprehend essential French phrases, and sharpen their understanding of the beautiful French language. Whether you're an avid French learner or brushing up your language skills, these sentences will elevate your proficiency. Dive into the essence of time while enhancing your French, sentence by sentence, with each audio-backed phrase designed to enhance your learning experience.

Sentences and translations are from native speakers. Audio is high quality text-to-speech. Sentences are sampled from the French from English Fluency Fast Track collections on Clozemaster.

  • Combien de jours cela prendra-t-il avant que l'enflure ne disparaisse ?

    How many days will it take until the swelling goes down?

  • Elle a commencé il y a dix minutes.

    She started ten minutes ago.

  • Elle a jeté rapidement un coup d'œil à sa montre.

    She quickly glanced at her watch.

  • Il a attendu une éternité pour la voir.

    He waited for eternity to see her.

  • Il a couru lentement pendant un intervalle de vingt minutes.

    He jogged for an interval of twenty minutes.

  • Il arrivera mardi matin.

    He will arrive on Tuesday morning.

  • Il pratique la guitare jusque tard dans la nuit.

    He practices playing the guitar far into the night.

  • Je suis revenu d'Europe en septembre.

    I got back from Europe in September.

  • Kate célèbre rarement son anniversaire.

    Kate hardly ever celebrates her birthday.

  • La population a doublé au cours des cinq dernières années.

    The population has doubled in the last five years.

  • Le ciel au crépuscule est rouge.

    The sky at dusk is red.

  • Le dîner est servi à sept heures.

    Dinner is served at seven o'clock.

  • Le train est parti à deux heures, arrivant à Rome à quatre heures.

    The train left at two, reaching Rome at four.

  • Leur inimité a duré de nombreuses années.

    Their enmity lasted for many years.

  • Nous avons passé la soirée à spéculer sur l'avenir.

    We spent the evening speculating about the future.

  • Prenez le temps de réfléchir.

    Take the time to reflect.

  • Quand dois-je monter à bord ?

    When must I go on board?

  • Quand est le prochain départ ?

    When is the next departure?

  • Quand est ton anniversaire ?

    When is your birthday?

  • Tom est rarement en retard pour ses rendez-vous.

    Tom is hardly ever late for appointments.

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