Lithuanian Sentences About Shopping

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Looking to elevate your intermediate Lithuanian vocabulary? Our Clozemaster page features 20 carefully selected sentences about shopping in Lithuanian. Each sentence comes with text-to-speech audio and English translations, making it easier than ever to grasp essential Lithuanian phrases. Whether you're preparing for a trip to Lithuania or simply aiming to enhance your language skills, these practical sentences will help you smoothly navigate shopping situations. Elevate your fluency and enrich your vocabulary with real-world Lithuanian sentences tailored for intermediate learners. Start mastering shopping phrases in Lithuanian now, and watch your language proficiency soar!

Sentences and translations are from native speakers. Audio is high quality text-to-speech. Sentences are sampled from the Lithuanian from English Fluency Fast Track collections on Clozemaster.

  • Aš kiekvieną sekmadienio popietę einu į turgų.

    I go to the bazaar every Sunday afternoon.

  • Aš noriu pinigų grąžinimo.

    I want a refund.

  • Aš noriu žemo stalo.

    I want a low table.

  • Aš nusipirkau staltiesių komplektą.

    I bought a set of table linen.

  • Bateliai parduodami poromis.

    Shoes are sold in pairs.

  • Ji nupirko šviežių obuolių iš turgaus.

    She bought fresh apples from the market.

  • Ji nupirko vištieną.

    She bought chicken.

  • Ji nusipirko porą raudonų batelių.

    She bought a pair of red shoes.

  • Jums reikės papildomai mokėti už baterijas.

    You need to pay extra for the batteries.

  • Kiek kainuoja vienas metras šio raudono šilko?

    How much is a meter of this red silk?

  • Kur galiu įsigyti plytas?

    Where can I buy bricks?

  • Kur yra kepykla?

    Where is the bakery?

  • Mano televizoriaus garantija pasibaigė.

    The warranty for my TV is expired.

  • Man reikia kūno losjono.

    I need body lotion.

  • Man reikia šiek tiek pinigų apsipirkti.

    I need some money for shopping.

  • Mes įsigijome būtiniausius daiktus kelionei.

    We bought essentials for our trip.

  • Mes perkame CD diskus.

    We buy CDs.

  • Pažiūrėk į kainą.

    Look at the price.

  • Suvenyrai parduodami arba išparduodami.

    Souvenirs are sold or are for sale.

  • Tai yra pigiausia parduotuvė mieste.

    This is the cheapest store in town.

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