Lithuanian Sentences About Time

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Welcome to Clozemaster's Lithuanian learning resource! Here, you will discover 20 carefully curated sentences about "Time" designed to boost your Lithuanian vocabulary and fluency. Each sentence includes text-to-speech audio and English translations, making it an ideal tool for improving your comprehension and pronunciation. Perfect for intermediate Lithuanian learners, these sentences will help you master essential Lithuanian phrases and enhance your linguistic skills. Dive into our collection and take your Lithuanian to the next level! Explore more on Clozemaster for comprehensive resources on Lithuanian sentences and phrases to continue your language learning journey.

Sentences and translations are from native speakers. Audio is high quality text-to-speech. Sentences are sampled from the Lithuanian from English Fluency Fast Track collections on Clozemaster.

  • Festivalis vyksta kiekvieną pavasarį.

    The festival occurs every spring.

  • Ji greitai pažvelgė į savo laikrodį.

    She quickly glanced at her watch.

  • Ji noriai atvyktų, bet ji buvo atostogose.

    She would willingly come, but she was on vacation.

  • Ji pasiliko dvi savaites.

    She stayed for two weeks.

  • Ji pradėjo prieš dešimt minučių.

    She started ten minutes ago.

  • Jis atvyks antradienio rytą.

    He will arrive on Tuesday morning.

  • Jis bėgo dvidešimt minučių intervalu.

    He jogged for an interval of twenty minutes.

  • Jų priešiškumas tęsėsi daug metų.

    Their enmity lasted for many years.

  • Kada turiu įlipti?

    When must I go on board?

  • Kada yra kitas išvykimas?

    When is the next departure?

  • Kada yra tavo gimtadienis?

    When is your birthday?

  • Kiek dienų užtruks, kol patinimas sumažės?

    How many days will it take until the swelling goes down?

  • Mes praleidome vakarą spėliodami apie ateitį.

    We spent the evening speculating about the future.

  • Pertekliaus laikais, prisiminkite bado laikus.

    In times of abundance, remember the times of famine.

  • Populiacija per paskutinius penkerius metus padvigubėjo.

    The population has doubled in the last five years.

  • Skirkite laiko apmąstymams.

    Take the time to reflect.

  • Tomas beveik niekada nevėluoja į susitikimus.

    Tom is hardly ever late for appointments.

  • Vakarienė paduodama septintą valandą.

    Dinner is served at seven o'clock.

  • Vakaro dangus yra raudonas.

    The sky at dusk is red.

  • Žaidimas vos prasidėjo, kai jie uždirbo pirmąjį tašką.

    The game had hardly started when they scored the first point.

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