Portuguese Sentences About Psychology

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Welcome to Clozemaster, your go-to platform for expanding your Portuguese vocabulary with engaging content! Our latest collection presents 20 expertly curated Portuguese sentences focused on 'Psychology'. This unique learning module is ideal for intermediate Portuguese learners seeking to deepen their understanding of essential Portuguese phrases within a psychological context. Each sentence is accompanied by text-to-speech audio, allowing you to perfect your pronunciation, along with English translations to clarify meanings. Dive into the intricacies of the human mind while enhancing your language skills—start mastering these enlightening Portuguese psychology sentences now and take a significant leap forward in your linguistic journey!

Sentences and translations are from native speakers. Audio is high quality text-to-speech. Sentences are sampled from the Portuguese from English Fluency Fast Track collections on Clozemaster.

  • A disposição para assumir responsabilidades é um sinal de maturidade.

    Willingness to take responsibility is a sign of maturity.

  • Apenas uma pessoa que consegue conviver consigo mesma pode aproveitar o dom do lazer.

    Only a person who can live with himself can enjoy the gift of leisure.

  • As aparências são enganadoras.

    Appearances are deceiving.

  • As conexões neurais são complexas de entender.

    The neural connections are complex to understand.

  • Como você pode justificar o seu comportamento?

    How can you justify your behavior?

  • Confie na sua intuição.

    Trust your intuition.

  • Estamos próximos do despertar quando sonhamos que estamos sonhando.

    We are near awakening when we dream that we dream.

  • Eu antecipei problemas.

    I anticipated trouble.

  • Eu estava imaginando um desfecho diferente.

    I was imagining a different outcome.

  • Eu perdi minha identidade.

    I lost my identity.

  • Meu orgulho me impediu de emprestar dinheiro dele.

    My pride prevented me from borrowing money from him.

  • Meu pai foi internado em um hospital psiquiátrico.

    My father was committed to a psychiatric hospital.

  • Minha mãe é professora de psicologia.

    My mother is a psychology teacher.

  • Nada me tentaria a enganá-lo.

    Nothing would tempt me to deceive him.

  • O comportamento de Nick mostrava que ele era neurótico.

    Nick's behavior showed he was neurotic.

  • O ruim dos complexos de inferioridade é que as pessoas erradas que os têm.

    The bad thing about inferiority complexes is that the wrong people have them.

  • Os fanáticos muitas vezes perdem a noção da realidade.

    Fanatics often lose sight of reality.

  • O tédio, a rotina e a falta de curiosidade são os maiores inimigos do nosso cérebro.

    Boredom, routine, and lack of curiosity are the greatest enemies of our brains.

  • Solidão e estar sozinho não são a mesma coisa.

    Loneliness and being alone are not the same thing.

  • Tom é um mentiroso patológico.

    Tom is a pathological liar.

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