Russian Sentences About Colors

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Enhance your Russian vocabulary and master the nuances of color-related terms with Clozemaster’s curated list of 20 essential sentences. Perfect for intermediate learners, these sentences come equipped with crystal-clear text-to-speech audio and precise English translations to accelerate your fluency. Whether you're seeking to build your repertoire of Russian sentences or enrich your understanding of common Russian phrases, this resource is designed to make learning engaging and effective. Dive into vibrant vocabulary and meaningful context with these expertly crafted examples that capture the richness of the Russian language. Start improving your intermediate Russian today!

Sentences and translations are from native speakers. Audio is high quality text-to-speech. Sentences are sampled from the Russian from English Fluency Fast Track collections on Clozemaster.

  • Бананы жёлтые.

    Bananas are yellow.

  • Вчера мы покрасили заборы в белый цвет.

    We painted the fences white yesterday.

  • Гном был в блестящей красной шапке.

    The dwarf had a shiny red hat.

  • Девочка носила желтые ленты в волосах.

    The girl wore yellow ribbons in her hair.

  • Его книга красная.

    His book is red.

  • Его носки фиолетовые.

    His socks are purple.

  • Её юбка жёлтая в горошек.

    Her skirt is yellow with polka dots.

  • Кот белый.

    The cat is white.

  • Красные туфли конфликтуют с этой зелёной рубашкой.

    The red shoes clash with this green shirt.

  • Небо на закате красное.

    The sky at dusk is red.

  • Носки соответствовали её синей рубашке.

    The socks matched her blue shirt.

  • Он ест красный леденец.

    He's eating a red lollipop.

  • Радуга - это семицветная арка в небе.

    A rainbow is a seven-colour arch in the sky.

  • Рама картины золотая.

    The frame of the painting is gold.

  • Розы красные.

    The roses are red.

  • Ромашка белая.

    The daisy is white.

  • Собака черная.

    The dog is black.

  • Том носил красно-белый полосатый галстук.

    Tom wore a red and white striped tie.

  • Чёрт обычно красный.

    The devil is usually red.

  • Эти бананы не спелые.

    These bananas are not ripe.

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