Russian Sentences About Plants

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Welcome to Clozemaster's "Plants" page, designed to enhance your Russian vocabulary skills! Here, you'll find 20 carefully curated sentences about plants in Russian, complete with text-to-speech audio and English translations. These sentences are perfect for intermediate Russian learners looking to boost their knowledge of Russian phrases and sentences. Engaging with this comprehensive resource will not only expand your Russian vocabulary but also help you achieve fluency faster. Whether you're focusing on intermediate Russian or just starting out, our "Plants" sentences will make your learning experience engaging and effective. Start mastering Russian today with Clozemaster!

Sentences and translations are from native speakers. Audio is high quality text-to-speech. Sentences are sampled from the Russian from English Fluency Fast Track collections on Clozemaster.

  • Ботаника занимается изучением растений.

    Botany deals with the study of plants.

  • В прошлом году в нашем саду было много капусты.

    Our garden produced an abundance of cabbages last year.

  • Выращивайте свои овощи дома.

    Grow your own vegetables at home.

  • Как пахнут гвоздики?

    What do carnations smell like?

  • Кто посадил дерево?

    Who planted the tree?

  • Мы здесь выращиваем пшеницу.

    We grow wheat here.

  • Мы нашли много странных растений в ботаническом саду.

    We found many strange plants in a botanical garden.

  • Полей растения.

    Water the plants.

  • Посадите эти семена до наступления лета.

    Plant these seeds before summer sets in.

  • Розы в саду цветут.

    The roses in the garden are blooming.

  • Сад был спроектирован так, чтобы создать гармоничный баланс между природой и архитектурой.

    The garden was designed to create a harmonious balance between nature and architecture.

  • Садовник опрыскивает розы водой.

    The gardener is spraying the roses with water.

  • Семена были посеяны на поле.

    Seeds were sown in the field.

  • Том полил цветы.

    Tom watered the flowers.

  • У моей бабушки много растений, которые растут самопроизвольно.

    My grandmother has a lot of vegetation that grows spontaneously.

  • Это цветок?

    Is this a flower?

  • Я купил кактус.

    I bought a cactus.

  • Я посадил семя в саду.

    I planted a seed in the garden.

  • Я сажаю апельсиновое дерево.

    I am planting an orange tree.

  • Я хочу посадить овощной сад.

    I want to plant a vegetable garden.

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