Russian Sentences About Position / Location

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Boost your Russian vocabulary with Clozemaster's curated collection of 20 sentences focusing on "Position / Location". Perfect for intermediate Russian learners, these sentences come with text-to-speech audio and English translations to enhance your understanding and pronunciation. Whether you're expanding your Russian phrases or honing your skills with practical examples, this page is your go-to resource. Learn how to accurately describe positions and locations in Russian, improving both your conversational ability and linguistic confidence. Dive into these carefully selected Russian sentences and elevate your language learning journey today with Clozemaster.

Sentences and translations are from native speakers. Audio is high quality text-to-speech. Sentences are sampled from the Russian from English Fluency Fast Track collections on Clozemaster.

  • Библиотека находится в центральной части города.

    The library is in the central part of the city.

  • Ванная внизу.

    The bathroom is downstairs.

  • Велосипед наклоняется вправо перед тем как повернуть направо.

    The bike leans to the right before turning right.

  • Внутри теплее?

    Is it any warmer inside?

  • Встаньте в очередь.

    Get in line.

  • Где почтовый ящик?

    Where is the mailbox?

  • Джон сидит рядом с Джеком.

    John sits by Jack.

  • Кот сидел на столе.

    The cat sat on the table.

  • Моя комната на четвертом этаже.

    My room is on the fourth floor.

  • На столе лежал магнитофон.

    There was a tape recorder on the table.

  • Она сидела на другой стороне.

    She sat on the other side.

  • Они живут там.

    They live there.

  • Положи это в пределах досягаемости.

    Put it within reach.

  • Священник живет возле церкви.

    The priest lives near the church.

  • Том в подвале.

    Tom is in the basement.

  • Том пошёл к лифтам.

    Tom walked toward the elevators.

  • Том сидит на берегу реки уже несколько часов.

    Tom has been sitting on the riverbank for hours.

  • Я видел их в коридоре.

    I saw them in the hallway.

  • Я живу на пятом этаже.

    I live on the fifth floor.

  • Я стою посреди школьного двора.

    I am standing in the middle of the schoolyard.

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