Swedish Sentences About Family

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Welcome to Clozemaster's curated list of 20 sentences about "Family" in Swedish, designed to boost your Swedish vocabulary and comprehension. Perfect for learners at an intermediate Swedish level, these sentences come with text-to-speech audio and English translations to aid your understanding. Whether you're focusing on Swedish phrases or expanding your proficiency with Swedish sentences, this resource is tailored to help you master real-life conversational skills. Enhance your language learning journey with authentic, family-related content and make significant strides in becoming fluent in Swedish. Start improving your Swedish vocabulary today with Clozemaster!

Sentences and translations are from native speakers. Audio is high quality text-to-speech. Sentences are sampled from the Swedish from English Fluency Fast Track collections on Clozemaster.

  • Båda mina föräldrar är musiker.

    Both of my parents are musicians.

  • Barnen lämnades att klara sig själva.

    The children were left to fend for themselves.

  • Barnet började hoppa.

    The child began to jump.

  • De hade bara ett barn.

    They had only one child.

  • Flickan liknade sin mamma.

    The girl resembled her mother.

  • Han förväxlade mig med min mamma.

    He mistook me for my mother.

  • Han presenterade mig för sin bror.

    He presented me to his brother.

  • Hon älskar sin son innerligt.

    She loves her son dearly.

  • Hon valde att vara en surrogatmamma.

    She chose to be a surrogate mother.

  • Hur mår dina mor- och farföräldrar?

    How are your grandparents?

  • Jag älskar min pappa.

    I love my dad.

  • Jag älskar min son.

    I love my son.

  • Jag besöker aldrig min syster.

    I never visit my sister.

  • Jag gav min pappa en tamburin i present.

    I gave my dad a tambourine as a gift.

  • Min lilla syster försöker alltid reta upp mig men lyckas aldrig.

    My little sister always tries to get a rise out of me but never succeeds.

  • Min mormor är en diabetespatient.

    My grandmother is a diabetic patient.

  • Styvmodern var hård mot henne.

    The stepmother was hard on her.

  • Tom har ett skägg, precis som sin far, farfäder, och bröder har.

    Tom has a beard, just like his father, grandfathers, and brothers do.

  • Vad har fjärmat honom från sin syster?

    What has estranged him from his sister?

  • Vi adopterade ett barn.

    We adopted a child.

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