Swedish Sentences About Food and Drink

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Enhance your intermediate Swedish vocabulary with our curated list of 20 Swedish sentences about "Food and Drink" on Clozemaster. Perfect for learners seeking to master Swedish phrases related to daily meals and beverages, this resource features native text-to-speech audio and accurate English translations. Immerse yourself in practical Swedish sentences that will improve your language skills and confidence. Whether you're preparing for a trip to Sweden or simply expanding your linguistic abilities, our carefully selected sentences provide a fun and effective way to practice. Visit now to start your journey towards fluency in Swedish vocabulary and phrases.

Sentences and translations are from native speakers. Audio is high quality text-to-speech. Sentences are sampled from the Swedish from English Fluency Fast Track collections on Clozemaster.

  • Är det en bra källa till kalium?

    Is it a good source of potassium?

  • Champagnekorken poppade ut.

    The champagne cork popped out.

  • Den här soppan är utsökt.

    This soup is exquisite.

  • Den här whiskyn är väldigt stark.

    This whisky is very strong.

  • De skålar med champagne.

    They are toasting with champagne.

  • Du får äta en kaka nu.

    You may eat a cookie now.

  • En liten portion skinka, tack, och en fatöl.

    A small portion of ham, please, and a draught beer.

  • Gillar du ostron?

    Do you like oysters?

  • Hon spillde ut sin kopp kaffe.

    She spilled her cup of coffee.

  • Jag gillar mousserande och fruktiga viner.

    I like sparkling and fruity wines.

  • Jag köpte ett paket mjölk från stormarknaden.

    I bought a carton of milk from the supermarket.

  • Jag skulle vilja ha ett glas tequila.

    I would like a glass of tequila.

  • Jag tycker om att dricka mina drycker med ett sugrör.

    I enjoy drinking my beverages with a straw.

  • Låt oss äta denna läckra paj.

    Let's eat this delicious pie.

  • Marknaden sålde färska, saftiga apelsiner.

    The market sold fresh, juicy oranges.

  • Ta med dig några servetter.

    Take some napkins with you.

  • Vad skulle du vilja dricka?

    What would you like to drink?

  • Vi delade kostnaden för måltiden.

    We shared the cost of the meal.

  • Vilka är några av dina föredragna franska viner?

    What are some of your favorite French wines?

  • Vill du ha en dryck?

    Would you like a drink?

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